The Wedding Planning Dos and Don'ts

Congratulations on embarking on the enchanting journey of wedding planning.

It's a whirlwind of excitement, emotions, and endless possibilities. But you don’t need to stress, as I, a wedding planner in Scotland, am here to be your virtual wedding guide, sharing the wedding planning dos and don'ts that will transform your planning process from stressful to luxurious.

So, grab a cup of tea, get cosy, and let's dive into the nuptial adventure together!

I am a wedding planner in Scotland

8 Wedding Planning Dos and Don'ts

  • Do: Write Everything Down 

  • Don't: Rush Into Anything 

  • Do: Ask for Help 

  • Don't: Compare Your Wedding to Others 

  • Do: Work Out Your Budget First 

  • Don't: Scroll Forever on Social Media After Decisions are Made

  • Do: Keep the Planning Circle Intimate 

  • Don't: Forget the 10% Contingency Budget 

Wedding planning involves perfecting the details such as you wedding florals

Do: Write Everything Down 

Let's kick things off with one of the most fundamental pieces of advice – document, document, document!

The key to a smooth wedding planning journey lies in the details. Invest in a stylish wedding planning journal or notebook or unleash your creativity with a digital app – whichever suits your fancy. 

Another great idea for top organisations is using a spreadsheet – you can keep track of your suppliers, your costs, your payments and any key details that could go amiss.

From supplier contacts and contracts to that whimsical idea you had during a midnight snack, jot it all down.

As you flip through your wedding journal in the years to come, these notes will evoke memories of the journey, the decisions made, and the sheer joy that surrounded each step.

Wedding planning to perfect every detail of styling

Don't: Rush Into Anything 

Take a deep breath and repeat after me: "I am not in a race, and my wedding planning journey is a delightful stroll, not a sprint."

It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of excitement and dive headfirst into decisions. But remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is your dream wedding.

Take the time to enjoy each phase, savour the process, and celebrate the milestones along the way. By pacing yourself, you ensure that every decision is intentional and that the journey to the altar is just as memorable as the destination.

Wedding planning involves choosing the right wedding venue

Do: Ask for Help 

Wedding planning is no small feat; it's a symphony of details, emotions, and intricate moving parts.

While you may be the conductor of this beautiful orchestra, there's no harm in having a talented ensemble by your side.

Enlist the help of your bridal squad, involve family members, and don't shy away from seeking advice from friends who have walked down the aisle before you. A supportive team can turn potential stress into shared joy and laughter.

There are also people like me, who can help! I am a Scotland based wedding stylist and planner and my job is to help you plan and perfect every detail throughout, eliminating all stress away from you. I live and breathe wedding planning and I absolutely love it.

Wedding planning involves perfecting all of the wedding details

Don't: Compare Your Wedding to Others 

Ah, the siren call of Pinterest, Instagram, and TikTok – a tempting sea of exquisite wedding inspiration.

While these platforms are treasure troves of ideas, it's crucial to resist the urge to turn your wedding into a mere replica of someone else's.

Your love story is one of a kind, and your wedding should reflect that uniqueness. It's okay to draw inspiration, but let your wedding be a canvas painted with the hues of your own romance. Authenticity trumps trends any day!

Wedding planning involves perfecting the details such as your wedding cake

Do: Work Out Your Budget First 

Now, let's address the elephant in the room – the budget.

While not the most romantic topic when it comes to wedding planning, it's undoubtedly one of the most crucial. Before you dive into the world of florists, caterers, and photographers, sit down and crunch those numbers.

Determine your budget early on to avoid heartache and sticker shock down the road. This financial roadmap will guide your decisions, ensuring that your dream wedding aligns seamlessly with your financial reality.

Wedding planning involves perfecting your wedding attire

Don't: Scroll Forever on Social Media After Decisions are Made

The infinite scroll – a time-sucking vortex of wedding inspiration.

You found the perfect dress, booked the dream venue, and even chose the ideal cake flavour. Now, your wedding planning has eased and it's time to put down the phone!

Endless scrolling can lead to second-guessing and unnecessary stress. Trust your decisions, revel in the choices you've made, and resist the allure of "what if" scenarios.

Do: Keep the Planning Circle Intimate 

While the more, the merrier might be true for a celebration, it's not always the case for wedding planning.

Limit the number of cooks in the wedding-planning kitchen to ensure a smoother process. 

Close family and trusted friends can offer valuable insights, but involving too many voices can lead to chaos. This is also a really good reason to invest in a wedding planner so you have one dedicated expert on hand.

Think of your planning team as the Avengers – a select group of superheroes with specific skills and a common goal: making your wedding extraordinary.

Quality over quantity! 

Wedding planning involves choosing the ideal wedding venue and styling for your day

Don't: Forget the 10% Contingency Budget 

Picture this: Your perfect outdoor ceremony gets hit with a surprise rain shower, or you fall in love with a photographer whose talent comes with a slightly higher price tag.

This is where the magical 10% contingency budget comes into play.

Allocate a portion of your budget for unforeseen expenses or upgrades. It's the financial safety net that prevents budget overruns from turning into wedding planning nightmares. 

Trust me, you'll thank yourself later.

Wedding planning involves choosing your ideal wedding venue setup and styling

Crafting Timeless Memories

And there you have it – the wedding planning dos and don'ts. Your wedding journey is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, and this wedding planning advice is your trusty map and compass.

Embrace the process, cherish each decision, and revel in the magic of creating a celebration that reflects your unique love story.

And if you’re looking for a wedding planner near you then get in touch today – I can’t wait to hear from you!


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