Top Tips for Wedding Planning from a Scotland Wedding Planner

Are you in the midst of wedding planning? Then you are in the right place because I am a passionate and creative Scotland wedding planner and wedding stylist

I work with couples looking to achieve their dream wedding vision, for those style-conscious couples who have a beautiful vision but don’t have the time or creativity to bring it to life.

As well as my services, I love being able to provide as much advice as I can on my blog, so to help you out, here are my top tips for wedding planning from a Scotland wedding planner.

A Scotland wedding planner

8 Tips from a Scotland Wedding Planner

  • Pack an Emergency Kit

  • Always have a Plan B and C

  • Consider the Weather

  • Give the Groom Responsibilities

  • Make it Personal

  • Lists are Your Best Friend

  • Focus on the Important Things

  • Book Your Suppliers First

Pack an Emergency Kit

You never know when you need something during your wedding day. 

So, here is a list of things to consider adding to your emergency kit:

  • Medicine

  • Plasters

  • Eye drops

  • Hand sanitiser

  • Sun cream

  • Deodorant

  • Hand cream

  • Lip balm

  • Wet wipes

  • Stain remover

  • Scissors

  • Travel sewing kit

  • Lint roller

  • Safety pins

  • Fashion tape

  • Super glue

  • Nail glue

  • Eyelash glue

  • Nail file

  • Blotting sheets

  • Mints

  • Portable charger

  • Hair ties

  • Hair grips

  • Tissues

  • Tampons

  • Hairbrush

  • Chalk

  • Lipgloss

This is something I recommend for the bride, groom and even the wedding parties in case someone needs something. You won’t regret it!

Always have a Plan B and C

As a Scotland wedding planner, I have definitely seen couples come across mishaps on their wedding day. So, you never know when something could go wrong on the day – even if it is something small, it is not worth risking not having a plan B or C. 

This could be due to anything from a catering issue to rain (despite the forecast predicting a dry day). Plan alternatives for each scenario and account for anything that may not go as planned so you are not stressed and panicked on the big day.

Also, consider purchasing wedding insurance and researching what circumstances are covered under your policy. You never know when a supplier will suddenly cancel or fall sick – it is rare but it can happen so do it for your own peace of mind!

Consider the Weather

As mentioned in the last point, you never know what the weather will be like on the day of your wedding and as a Scotland wedding planner, I know how unpredictable it can be first-hand!

Even if you look at the forecast in the morning, there can be sudden changes to the weather. 

Make sure that you have sheltered space available if you are planning an outdoor wedding whether that be a marquee or inside the venue. It is good to have access to both indoor and outdoor spaces in case of a sudden downfall.

Bring umbrellas in case of rain and fans in case it is a hot day – your wedding guests will thank you!

Give Your Partner Responsibilities

As a Scotland wedding planner, I know that your partner will undoubtedly have ideas and opinions and will want to be involved in the planning.

A really great idea is to choose a time each week to meet with your partner, with no other distractions, to go over plans, to-do lists and budgets. This will keep you on track and ensure you are both invested in the planning process.

Pay attention to what they say and remember that it's their day, too. This will also take a massive weight off of your shoulders knowing you are planning it all together. 

Make it Personal

Your wedding is all about the two of you so try to incorporate as much of your personalities as possible into the day.

Think about the details from the stationery and favours to the outfits and first dance – make it unique to you and remember, you don’t have to stick to “traditions” as you want your wedding to reflect you as a couple.

Lists are Your Best Friend

It is impossible to keep track of everything with a million and one suppliers to deal with, each with a different payment deadline so wedding planning lists are your best friend!

One of my top wedding planning tips as a Scotland wedding planner is to sit down with your partner and create a budget spreadsheet of projected and actual costs as well as when payments are due and what tasks remain.

Write a big to-do list of everything that needs to be done from start to finish, and then begin delegating some tasks to whoever is helping you plan. Enjoy satisfyingly ticking tasks off your to-do list!

Focus on the Important Things

It is important that you focus on the things that matter the most to you.

It is normal if you start to feel stressed and overwhelmed, but just remember if you ever feel this way just ask for help, and it is just important to have downtime from wedding planning.

So, take a step back and remind yourself what your wedding is really about – you marrying the love of your life and having the celebration of a lifetime in a way that brings you the most joy.

Book Your Suppliers First

As a Scotland wedding planner, one of my biggest tips is to book all of your suppliers as soon as you can to make sure they have your date secured. Then you can worry about the ins and outs nearer the time!

Ready to Start Wedding Planning With Ease?

Here it is! My top tips for wedding planning from a Scotland wedding planner. When you properly sit down and get organised the process is pretty smooth sailing.

If you are looking for styling and wedding planning near you then I would love to help. Let’s have a chat and see if we are the ideal fit for eachother. 

Caroline x


Where to Start With Wedding Planning from a Scotland Wedding Planner


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